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OADI Funding

As part of OADI’s mission, eligible undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for a limited number of funds aimed at subsidizing opportunities that support academic, professional, or career goals through the OADI General Funding Process. OADI is focused on inclusion and achievement across the Cornell campus, so students of all backgrounds excel at their academic and professional goals. OADI programs especially support low-income students, those who are the first in their families to achieve a college degree, underserved students, non-traditional students, and intersections of these and other identities..

Undergraduate students who are active participants in good standing with one or more of the following OADI programs.

  • New York State Arthur O. Eve EOP/HEOP
  • Pre Professional Programs (P3)
  • Posse
  • McNair Scholars
  • OADI Research Scholars
  • OADI Peer Mentor Program
  • Pre-Collegiate Summer Scholars Program (PSSP) or Prefreshman Summer Program (PSP)
  • Veterans Student Program
  • Gates Scholars
  • Jack Kent Cooke Scholars
  • Say Yes Scholars

Applications may also be considered from students who are not in the programs listed above, but who are active and engage regularly with the staff, events and activities within OADI. Please note, being engaged regularly with OADI is more than accessing the computer lab – these are students that are in regular attendance at OADI sponsored events such as the Tuesday Lunch Series.

All applicants must be

  • Registered full-time undergraduate students (funds must be used while still registered as a full-time student)
  • In good standing with their College/School

Academic and professional student organizations play a vital role in the development of leadership skills, while fostering a stronger sense of belonging and community through mutual areas of interest. OADI provides limited funding to university-recognized undergraduate student organizations whose mission is to fulfill one of the following objectives:

  • Promote student academic success/achievement to a diverse body of students; or
  • Provide professional development for members of student organizations geared toward increasing the diversity of professional fields.

The maximum allotment for each award is $300. The OADI funding process is competitive, and funding is not guaranteed. Proposals must be submitted at least eight (8) weeks prior to the proposed date of the event.

Student organizations that meet these criteria and are interested in applying for funding should send a formal request to

Funding will be awarded on a competitive basis to support activities that enhance a students’ academic and career/professional goals, such as:

  • Domestic conference travel – priority will be given to students presenting at a conference 
  • Research opportunities that are unpaid, both off-campus and on-campus 
  • Internship support
  • Expenses related to professional and graduate school preparation or application 
  • Domestic and International travel for community-based and service-learning opportunities 

Funding may not be used to cover tuition for programs or courses, nor can it be used to pay a salary for an unpaid internship or research opportunity.

OADI funds are intended to help subsidize a student's budget and should not be seen as an exclusive source of financing for their experience.

Please note it is important that you inquire with the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment on any implications being awarded and accepting funding may have on your aid offer.

The amounts below are the maximum threshold a student may receive based on funding availability and are not guaranteed amounts.
Length of ExperienceMaximum Award
2-3 day / Conference Experience$1000
7-14 days$1500
14-20 days$2000
21-28 days$2500
29-35 days$3000
35 or more days$3500
Funds are distributed through four applications processes:

Fall - September 28;
Winter - December 1;
Spring - March 1;
Summer - May 1. 

Access to the OADI General Funding Application will be made available for 2 weeks prior to these deadlines. For information or questions about deadlines and funding dates, please email

For information about deadlines and funding dates, please email

*Please note: There is no way to save your work once you begin the application. We suggest you complete the open-ended proposal sections in a word-processing document, then copy and paste your responses into the application.

Students may only receive OADI funding once every academic year. The academic year begins when classes start in the fall and runs through the summer. It is important to be selective on what opportunity you choose to request for funding.

Step 1: Book an appointment to discuss proposed experience and funding with a OADI advisor.
Step 2: Review information on funding page and an example of the application prior to filling out the application.
Step 3: Complete application, including proposal statement, budget, letter of acceptance, letter of support and updated resume.

Review the example application and Sample budget.

Decisions will be releasing two weeks after the application deadline. Please contact if you cannot access the online application.

Awardees must be well-prepared, thoughtful stewards of resources, and reflective about their experiences. The requirements that follow, embody our expectations of our awardees before, during and after their experiences.

Prior to the experience: Awardees must attend and participate in a pre-experience briefing workshop or quiz in order to be informed about the necessary processes and protocols that need to be followed. Failure to attend the briefing will result in forfeiture of OADI Funding. Details for the pre-experience briefing will be included in the award letter.

During the experience: It is your responsibility to keep all original receipts or invoices for expenses you personally incur for travel (including boarding pass stub), lodging, food, and any other costs associated with the proposed activity. All of these receipts and/or invoices will be submitted after your experience is complete. Failure to submit receipts when requested will result in funding being rescinded.

After the experience: Submit a reflection or evaluation regarding the impact of the experience within two weeks of concluding your experience. Students who submit outstanding reflection statements may be invited by the funding committee to present at a OADI sponsored event.

IMPORTANT: If you receive funds that cover a non-refundable deposit for an opportunity and you do not participate in the opportunity, you will be required to return the funds used to pay the deposit.

Please note it is important that you inquire with the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment on any implications being awarded and accepting funding may have on your aid offer.

BEFORE you apply: Review the example application.

All funding requests must connect with academic and/or professional and career goals.