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OADI Peer Mentor

Danielle Iringe-Koko

Danielle Iringe-Koko

1. What do you hope to get out of by being a Peer mentor?

During my first year, I was a mentee in the OADI program. My mentor encouraged me to pursue many opportunities on campus and helped me feel more confident in my abilities. My mentor and the rest of the OADI community gave me a lot of support and I wanted to pay this forward and help other freshmen. As a peer mentor, I want to form meaningful connections with mentees and help them grow. I ultimately hope to be a source of support for mentees in the program and motivate them when they experience challenges.

 2. What is the best lesson/tip/advice that you have learned so far at Cornell so far and would you share that with your mentees?

It's important to step out of your comfort zone and try new things during college. While at Cornell, I've learned that experiencing a setback doesn't mean something isn't meant for you. You can always try again and shouldn't give up.

 3. What are your plans after college? What does your ideal future look like?

After graduation, I want to attend medical school to support underserved communities as a doctor. Ideally, I'd love to be a medical professor so I can help people, travel, and continue teaching people in the future.

4. Tell us something fun about you, a fun fact, interesting story, talent, or unique experience?

I lived on three different continents while growing up.