Alyanis Acevedo Serrano

What do you hope to get out of by being a Peer mentor?
I hope by being a Peer mentor I can help others navigate challenges and resources that will help them find their path personally and professionally. More importantly, I hope that the relationship with my mentees extends beyond mentorship, growing into lasting friendships.
What is the best lesson/tip/advice that you have learned so far at Cornell so far and would you share that with your mentees?
The best lesson I have learned at Cornell is that you cannot perform well academically if your body, mind, and spirit are not well. Is all about balance. So sleep, eat, pray, do hobbies, study, and share with friends and family because college goes beyond classes but learning about yourself and who you want to be in the future.
What are your plans after college? What does your ideal future look like?
My plans after college are to learn more about the medical field, whether that looks like completing a master's in health or working as a medical assistant I am excited to see what the future holds.
Ideally, in the future, I will be back at home in PR holding monthly free clinics that provide accessible healthcare, and prevention services. Better yet, healthcare is free and accessible, along with matcha drinks!
Tell us something fun about you, a fun fact, interesting story, talent, or unique experience?
I have taken a PE class for most of my semesters, so I can proudly say I am (not) an expert in boxing, gymnastics, circus arts, and tree climbing. The next one will hopefully be Skiing!