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Kirsten Post Eynav

Affiliations and Roles

HEOP Advisor

Affirming Pronouns: she/her/hers

Professional Staff

Kirsten is originally from New York State, and a “child of Woodstock.”  After years of exploring work and life in other states and abroad, she returned to New York in 1999 to eventually set solid roots in Ithaca. As an undergraduate student at SUNY Oneonta, she discovered an affinity for interdisciplinary studies and pursued a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies at Wesleyan University where she concentrated in Humanities.  During her time at Wesleyan University, she found her path to student services work – a path she considers an honor to walk and serve upon.  

She has held various roles and leadership positions at both public and private institutions with 21 of her years at Cornell University.   Kirsten is naturally curious about everyone’s specific path and seeks to engage students about their own hopes and dreams.   Over the years, she has completed many training opportunities and certifications that will best poise her to support student success in areas such as Time Management, Sexual Health, Mediation, Self-Defense, Motivational Interviewing, Wellness and Exercise.  She is excited to continue working with the OADI Team.

Much of her time off- campus is spent with her active family chasing the next soccer game and whatever the latest fun-time might be!