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Cara Robertus

Affiliations and Roles

Ph.D. Candidate, Biomedical Engineering

Affirming Pronouns: she/her/hers

Graduate Mentor

Research Interests: I work to develop nanoscale drugs to target multidrug resistance in cancer. Currently, I engineer particles derived from bacteria that can act as both drug carriers and immune stimulants to strengthen the body’s own ability to fight cancer. After my PhD, I am interested in pursuing a career in teaching and exploring topics of research in engineering education.

About Me: I was born and raised in Montana, where I learned to love skiing, rock climbing, and hiking. I completed my undergraduate education at Montana State University, graduating with degrees in Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering. While there, I devoted as much time as I had available to participation in the music department through singing in various choirs and studying piano performance as a member of a studio. At Cornell, I have especially enjoyed engaging in leadership and teaching through serving in various roles with the Graduate Society of Women Engineers, working as a TA, and mentoring undergraduate students in the lab. In my free time, I enjoy running, hiking, and spending time with my dog, Jasper. I love meeting new students and talking about my experiences, so feel free to reach out!