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Anand Kumar Mishra

Affiliations and Roles

Graduate Mentor, Postdoctoral Scholar, Robotics

Affirming Pronouns: He/him/his

Graduate Mentor

Research Interests: I am a postdoc researcher at Organic Robotics Lab in the Mechanical and Aerospace engineering department. I am a multidisciplinary researcher. I enjoy working with students from a variety of backgrounds. I work on understanding biological principles and translate them into robotic technologies. I did my PhD in Biorobotics from the Italian Institute of Technology, Pisa lab. During my PhD, I worked in developing plant-inspired self-growing robots. Here at Cornell, I work on various projects to develop worm-like soil swimming robots, autonomic sweating robots and biohybrid systems. 

About Me:  I am from India. I am a low-income first-generation college graduate.  I grew up in the north part of India in a small village. I did my undergraduate and postgraduate in India, and then I moved to Italy for PhD research. I enjoy cooking and reading about the origin of ancient languages and their history in my spare time. I love science, and I would say that is my one and only passion. I am open to talk about any topic, from discussing time management to work pressure to finding research opportunities. If you are interested in exploring research fields and their challenges, I can bring you to my research journey and share my experiences. I can help by applying for undergraduate research opportunities, research fellowships, and you are welcome to join our lab if you are interested in exploring research in robotics.